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We have deep experience in the hospitality industry offering the best solutions for hotels and independent chains.

Each of our clients represents a success story for us

Take your hotel to another level with the packages we have designed especially for you

Plan Inicial

  • Monthly Report of Results by Channel
  • Monthly meetings with OTAs on behalf of the hotel
  • Review of Cancellation Policies
  • Definition of Competitive Set
  • Online Channels Update (Parity, Photos, Content)
  • Creation of OTAs profiles and opening of new channels
  • Creation and implementation of rates and structure in channels
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Plan Esencial

  • Includes features "Inicial"
  • Critique - Reputation Management Software
  • Professional website
  • Community Manager - 1 Social Network
  • Rate Shopper
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Plan Pro

  • Includes features "Esencial"
  • Community Manager - 2 Social Networks
  • Hotel App
  • Payment Gateway for Clients and Otas
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